Portal 2: Personal Information:
Personal Information: Álvaro Uribe Vélez, is 66 years old. He was born on July 4, 1952, of Colombian nationality. Originally from the city of Medellín (Antioquia). Lawyer lawyer lawyer profession of the University of Antioquia and Colombian politician. Among the positions he has held is the President of Colombia in the periods 2002-2006 and 2006-2010. https://www.asuntoslegales.com.co/actualidad/corte-suprema-ordena-investigar-al-senador-alvaro-uribe-velez-2600770 Within the cursós and studies carried out is, the studies in administration, management and contracting in the School of Extension of the University of Harvard; He held different positions in the Public Companies of Medellín, the Ministry of Labor and Civil Aeronautics. He was Mayor of Medellín (1982), Senator of the Republic (1986-1994), Governor of Antioquia (1995-1...
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